A downloadable game

UPDATE 10/21/2021:
A new version of Stardrop has been uploaded to coincide with the release of this game on the OperaGX web platform.  The  equivalent Windows version of the build has been added to this page.

This version includes many requested changes from the great feedback I received from other LD participants, as well as general polish I wanted to tackle for the game's audio.  For those interested, the older LD-jam version of the game will remain up.

"Thank you so much for to playing my game!" -  Super Mario


Create platforms for falling buildings, and guide them to their target landing zone in this short puzzle game made for Ludum Dare 49.


Space: Drop the building

R Key: Restart the Level

ESC: Audio Options, options to skip level and quit game

F11: Fullscreen toggle (only in the OperaGX build)

(press ESC again to exit this menu lol)

Can you clear all 7 levels and make them all land right side up?!?!? (I will personally tell you good job because I don't think the game does)

Thanks for playing!


stardrop_v1_1.zip (OperaGX Build) 8.2 MB
LD49_stardrop.zip (Ludum Dare Build) 7.7 MB

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